Ba Boom Boom Pa Pop Pop.
Ba Boom Boom Pa Pop Pop.

Art on theMART Presents a Hypnotic Video Work by Nick Cave Projected onto its Facade

It’s not just NeoCon that’s drawing crowds to theMart this spring. Art on theMart, launched in 2018 by executive director Cynthia Noble to expand commission opportunities for artists and engage new community stakeholders, presents Ba Boom Boom Pa Pop Pop, a new video work by Nick Cave that’s being pro­jected twice nightly on the 1930 building’s expansive art deco facade through September 7. Expect to see Cave’s iconic Soundsuits—figures masked in head-to-toe costumes concealing race, gender, and class—in jubilant, kaleidoscopic motion. The installation coincides with his career-spanning solo show, “Forothermore,” on view through October 2 a mile away at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Fun fact: Art on theMart is the world’s largest permanent digital art projection.

TheMART in Chicago lit up with a rainbow-hued installation.
Art on theMart presents Ba Boom Boom Pa Pop Pop, a new video work by Nick Cave that’s being pro­jected twice nightly on the 1930 building’s expansive art deco facade through September 7.
Ba Boom Boom Pa Pop Pop.
Ba Boom Boom Pa Pop Pop.

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